Selected Projects and Grants



Full Circle Schools - Jackson County, Oregon
Summit Land Conservancy - Summit County, Utah
Global Warming Reports -
Pure Waste Primers -
NYTimes Talks - Symphony Space, NYC

Distinguished Lecture Series - Oregon Bach Festival
American Musicological Society - OPUS Fund
Save the Met Broadcasts - Metropolitan Opera, NYC
BACH-BinAural Collaborative Hypertext - Northern Arizona University
Wall-to-Wall Opera - Symphony Space, NYC




Pure Waste Primers


Our 2006 global warming series was overwhelmingly well received. Thanks to all who participated in the challenge and who are spreading the word by taking action to limit destructive climate change. For 2007, three Pure Waste Primers look at daily practices that hurt our environment and waste money. We attempt to dispel the myths about these topics and we know YOU care, so please read the "Introduction” and “Challenge", then dig into the primers.

Introduction to Pure Waste Primers

Pure Waste Challenge
You save money
You lower carbon output
We donate to third-world solar power

1. Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)
Enlightening Facts

2. Tankless Water Heaters (TWHs)
On-Demand Only

3. Anti-Idling
Every Minute Counts


2006 Global Warming Series



Introduction to Global Warming Series

Report 1:
How real is global warming? The physical evidence

Report 2:
How real is global warming? The scientific viewpoint

Report 3:
How do greenhouse gases cause global warming?
Why are feedback loops important?

Report 4:
What is being done to control global warming? And who is doing it?

Report 5:
How do we contribute individually to global warming?

Report 6:
It seems so big, what can I do?